The Sound of Light Album

The Sound of Light

Thursday, February 17, 2011

18 Days of Faith

                                           Ahmed & Najla / Egypt 2007

As Salaamu Alaikum,
   Egypt, holds a very special place in my heart.  I once lived there and fell in love.  Not a romantic love but a love for the smiles that still sang when wrapped in poverty.  A love for people who would truly give their last.  A love for the feeling of being normal when you are embraced as YOU.  My time there made a lasting impact on my spirit which I still reflect upon today.  As the Egyptian Revolution unfolded I found myself crying as I watched various videos.  My heart felt overwhelmed to see in my lifetime an entire country join together to revolt against a 30 year dictator.  So many of us say we would stand up, fight and even die if we had to for freedom.  Often that is just talk.  However, Egyptians have proven that when you move with faith in Allah you can and will overcome!  There are not enough words to express how grateful I am to Allah for allowing me to witness a country that I love stand up and fight for the justice of their people.  In 18 days Egyptian youth, women and men stayed committed and gave the world a true revolution to remember!

      We should pray for the hundreds of people that were injured and killed!  We should pray that this revolt leads to the heart of Egypt's true spirit being revived! We should learn from the Egyptians and all the other countries that are revolting for their freedom.  We should begin to stand up as one and move together as a unit with faith in our Lord!

Egypt may you continue to win, Insha Allah




1 comment:

  1. As a UNIT we can move MOUNTAINS... I truly believe we are just realising the power of our Ummah...I love this post, I was deeply moved because I know the struggle through my Egyptian friends and family.
